Monday, August 24, 2015

The Fault in our Stars

I don't even know how I feel about this book.  It was underwhelming.  I felt like it had great potential to be really inspiring but it didn't reach it. There was a lot of angst in this book...whether because the main characters are terminally ill or because they are teenagers I'm not really sure...but I didn't appreciate all the swearing and such.  The love story part of this book felt fake to me somehow, almost like they were more concerned with not dying virgins than actually loving each other?  I don't know.  The lack of parental guidance bothered me...letting dating teenagers go on an overseas trip where they spend a lot of time alone doesn't bother anyone else?  It was interesting though. If there was more belief in something beyond themselves I think this book could have been really great and inspiring...but for me it fell short. My favorite part was where they go to the Anne Frank house and watch this video where Anne's father talks about how he feels like parents don't really know their children...I liked that because it made me feel like I want to make sure I take the time to really know my children. But overall there were no tears shed and I wouldn't recommend this book.

The Jewel

I started reading this book and right away it felt like a mix of The Hunger Games, and The Selection.  But with this weird twist that instead of being chosen as a possible princess, or a are chosen as a surrogate mother. Because of that, at first this book was just weird to me.  But then it got interesting.  All of the girls who become surrogates have this magical ability called augury where they can change costs them physically, but they can change the color and shape of things and can make things grow.  This enables them to be the perfect surrogate mothers for the rich people who for some reason can't have their own children. But the surrogates are treated as property, they are given a rank on how well they did in their augury training and talents they have and then sold in auctions to the highest bidder.  After being sold, they are kind of treated as a pet...put on leashes when going on, dressed up and shown off to all the others to flaunt their surrogate being the very best.
As Violet is sold we start to learn of the hidden cruelty and backstabbing among the royalty.  She finds an ally and also (of course!) develops a forbidden romance with someone who sees her as herself...and not just as property or the surrogate. Overall I enjoyed the book and couldn't put it down!  It definitely has a cliff-hanger ending and I was so disappointed the next book isn't out yet!